Monday, April 23, 2012

Math in Real World Context

Family Road Trip

1. Your family is going on a road trip.   Your family’s vehicle gets 22 miles per gallon of gas.  Looking at the price of Unleaded fuel above, if you have budgeted $200 for gas, how many miles can you go before you run out of gas?  (You can round the nearest whole number)

a.) Look at a map and decide possible places for your destination.  Remember you can only go as far as $200 of gas will get you!  Draw a line from point A (our community) to point B (your destination) on your map [integrating map work].

2. You are traveling with four people including yourself and you need snacks for the ride.   You decide to buy sandwiches from QD for a snack, but there are only three sandwiches left (oh no!).  Decide how you can feed all four people the same amount of food with only three sandwiches.  Use a representation of your choice to solve the problem so no one goes hungry!

Math in everyday life

Problem #1. A horse owner has 300 feet of ElectroBraid fencing to make a new pasture for her horses. She wants to make 1 new pasture, what are some different options for the area of pasture that she can make? How can she maximize the area without having to buy more fencing?

Problem #2. A storm knocked out half of a 600 square foot pastures fence. What are some possible amounts of fencing that the owner will need to buy?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mathematics in the Community

1. You and three friends want to split an order of cheesy bread from Marco's pizza.  The only problem is, the cook forgot to divide up the pieces.  How will you partition the bread to make sure all of you get the same amount?  Show at least three different ways you can cut the bread.

2. You have $12.50 to spend on dinner at Marco's Pizza.  List all of the different items you can afford.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Informal and Formal Assessments

In looking at the information in the NCTM and Stylianou readings for this week I gained a lot of good incite about assessments.  Overall, the NCTM reading summarized different ways of assessing student work including more formal tests and quizzes, as well as informal documentation of observations.  What I liked most about this article is that it gave me brief listings of when an informal or formal means of assessment might be useful, as well as ways those methods of assessment can be improved to maximize the benefits of the student.  It’s no secret that tests and quizzes aren’t student’s most popular choice of assessment, but that comes as part of the requirements of being a teacher.  I really like the suggestion to have students explain their answers in multiple choice or true or false tests so that teachers can have a better idea of what a student knows, rather than what they don’t know.
In Stylianou’s article, the importance of allowing students to explain their answers was also brought up.  The article pointed out that, “Students’ explanations reveal aspects of students’ mathematical understanding and misunderstanding hat are invisible when only the final answer is reported.”   This quote made me think immediately of students who are referred to special education because of their low test scores.  So often teachers who refer that student might think he/she is incapable of doing the work or isn’t smart enough to follow the general education curriculum, when in reality it may just be a misunderstanding with the wording of a problem.  If we allow students to explain their thinking we as teachers are being given an incite into the minds of the students so we know where misunderstandings exist and how we can help clear them up.  “Silver, Kilpatrick, and Schlesinger (1995) commented that by sharing their thoughts and solutions, students not only learn from one another but can also help one another refine their views and improve their own understanding.”  As teachers, we can use student explanations to help other students since we are able to see the type of prior knowledge that we could build from to make connections to a new topic.
            The type of assessments I have been used to in my own schooling are usually formal tests or quizzes at the end of a unit.  In third grade, my teacher often gave us what she called, “Practice Tests,” at the end of every unit.  We would each take a paper and pencil test but we didn’t put our names on the top.  Then, the teacher would collect the tests and pass them out randomly to other students.  We would each have to grade our peers tests and explain why we thought wrong answers were wrong, or why we thought right answers were right.  We put on our name on those tests and my teacher would read our responses to better understand topics that needed to be covered in more detail before the real test.  I had always disliked this as a student because it was so time consuming, but now as a teacher I can see how beneficial this type of assessment was for all of us as students.  

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lesson Study

I think the main mathematical goal of this lesson is helping students to distinguish the difference between area and perimeter through an example with a difference of opinion. The teacher and he helpers are very active in trying to get the students to get them to prove their answer with a picture. This would help students to sort through their thinking and prove what the correct answer is. The debriefing video was similar to what I expected in the respect that each person shared their ideas about what they observed in the class being taught. The difference that I noticed in the video was that the teacher who taught the lesson did not share very much/at all. I would hope that in my lesson study debrief, the students that are teaching would share their thoughts on how the lesson went and how the students reacted to the lesson from their perspective. The Whitenack article states that,  “A teacher might encourage students to explain and justify their ideas during class discussions for many reasons. All students can benefit from these discussions, including the student who is explaining and the others who are participating in the discussion. When asked to explain or justify their thinking, students can revisit their mathematical ideas.” (Whitenack 2002) To me, this means that the teacher really needs to encourage students to explain their thinking behind the decisions that they made when doing a problem. Not only do I think teachers need to understand students thinking, but it will help students realize if their answers are flawed through verbalizing what they did. I think the most challenging part of the lesson study will be to take notes on everything that is being said throughout the lesson. I think this will be hard because some students in a first grade classroom will be speaking very quietly and some will speak very fast. I think the debriefing after the lesson will be the most beneficial part of this lesson study because it will be very nice to be able to collaborate with group members about what went on in the lesson. I know that I have reflected on my lessons on my own, but to have someone else watch the same lesson and then get their feedback about it will be very helpful for my personal learning. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012


            The articles I had to read for this weeks differentiation blog included one about gifted students and another that discussed making the switch from higher level suburban schools to lower ses schools.   Both of the articles provide insight as to why differentiation is so pivotal in the classroom.  The dilemma in the first article by Wilkins described how most gifted students are not challenged enough.  Wilkins stated, “The goal of framework is to make it easier for elementary teachers to provide challenging activities for students working above their grade level in mathematics without having to plan a separate every” (2006, p. 70).  I think this a great point because I think a lot of the time teachers don’t know what to do with gifted students, and they are usually just passed along to help out other students that are struggling.  There is also the issue that sometimes gifted students don’t know how explain their thinking because a lot of them time they do everything so fast in their head they can’t keep track of how they figured the problem out.  Another problem Wilkins posed was that gifted students might need extra motivation, so this is why teachers still need to be involved and not leave the gifted students alone (2006, p. 12).  Now in regards to the other article, the teacher in this piece talked about how her methods with the gifted students in her suburban teaching did not work well with her students in the lower ses schools.  Through her teaching, her students complained that they were mostly angry at her for making them feel incompetent, even though she felt like the assignments she was giving had worked so well in the past (Robert, 2002, p. 292).  She also realized that what these students needed the most is simply confidence.  One of the most important lesson I learned from this article is the key to successful lesson include structure, encouragement, and time.  Overall, I thought the discoveries of these two articles were extremely important.  In my placement, there is one student who I think should be considered gifted but she is not given the extra support and challenges that she needs.  However, it is tricky situation because she is usually gone for half of the school week for her competitive gymnastics team.  My MT does not have the time to give her extra support because when she is in the classroom the student has to be focused on catching up with the rest of the class.  I think this case pertains a lot to the parent and teacher connection.  If her parents were to communicate more often when the child is going to be out the class, then perhaps they could work something out that would benefit the student more.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Learning About Measurement

We talked in class today about the trend of poor scoring for US students when it comes to measurement.  In particular, as mentioned in the Thompson and Preston article, Measurement in the Middle Grades, student scores are lowest on constructed response questions that involve students to explain their reasoning.  When I read this I immediately thought of the task level page 116 from the 5 Practices Book that determines what constitutes a lower or higher level task.  If students are unable to explain their thinking, or actually understand the mathematical content behind the measurement concept being tested, does that mean schools are presenting them with more lower level tasks that lack connections or procedure building?  We have spent so much time discussing the benefits of providing students with higher level tasks, but this is actual proof of why it is so important for students to build those connections and come up with procedures on their own.  The article stated that, “Teachers focus on low-level knowledge and skills with little effort to help students develop conceptual understanding or engage in complex problem solving."  In thinking of my own schooling I can remember being given a ruler and a worksheet in which I had to use a specific tool to measure an object.  While that did teach me how to use a ruler, I am not sure what it actually taught me about measurement.
For our lesson study, my group is choosing to focus on Measurement in a Kindergarten class.  We had a hard time coming up with a higher level task when we were talking during today's workshop time, but this article gave me some good incite.  Instead of teaching the students how to use a ruler to measure if something is "shorter" or "longer" I could make the task higher level by giving them multiple tools to measure with and allowing them to choose the best-fit tool for the job.  That way, the focus is on measurement, not just learning to use a ruler.